
XBee Shield V2 For Arduino

XBee Shield V2 For Arduino
XBee Shield V2 For Arduino XBee Shield V2 For Arduino XBee Shield V2 For Arduino XBee Shield V2 For Arduino
Brand: Tinysine
Product Code: G52DCB1A957BD0
Reward Points: 19
Availability: 96
Price: $10.50

5 or more $9.00
20 or more $7.50
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Description: This Bee Shield simplifies the task of interfacing an XBee/WiFiBee/BluetoothBee with your Arduino. This board mates directly with an Arduino Board and equips it with wireless communication capabilities using the popular XBee/WiFiBee/BluetoothBee module. This unit works with all XBee modules including the Series 1 and Series 2 (and 2.5), standard and Pro version. and also works with our WiFiBee and BluetoothBee module.

The serial pins (DIN and DOUT) of the XBee are connected through an SPDT switch, which allows you to select a connection to either the UART pins (D0, D1) or digital pins on the Arduino (D2 and D3) for softserial. Power is taken from the 5V pin of the Arduino and regulated on-board to 3.3VDC before being supplied to the XBee. The shield also takes care of level shifting on the DIN pin of the XBee.

You can also set the XBee/WiFiBee/BluetoothBee connect with your Arduino main board MCU or connect with a PC direclty through the USB port on Arduino main board. Then you can set the XBee/WiFiBee/BluetoothBee direclty on the PC. Very convenient to use. 

The board also includes LEDs to indicate power and activity on DIN, DOUT, RSSI, and DIO5 pins of the XBee. The Arduino's reset button is brought out on the shield, and a 12x11 grid of 0.1" holes are available for prototyping.

Note: A pull-up on DIN is required for this board to work properly. Thankfully, Series 1 and Series 2 XBee modules have their internal pull-up enabled by default. You will need to manually enable the pull-up on the 900MHz series.



  • Mounts directly onto your Arduino
  • DIN and DOUT pins of XBee can be connected to either the UART pins or digital pin on the Arduino (D2 and D3)
  • You can use this shield to configure your XBee/WiFiBee/BluetoothBee
  • Support WiFiBee AP/ADHOC mode
  • 3.3V power regulation and level shifting on-board
  • 12x11 grid of 0.1" spaced prototyping holes
  • Reset button brought out
  • Power, DIN, DOUT, RSSI and DIO5 indicator LEDs



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